
xHP on Sirius XM NHL Radio

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Event Date

Bryce Salvador and Ben Shear will be appearing on Stellick and Simmer weekly throughout NHL training camp on Sirius XM NHL Radio starting on Friday, September 15th at 8:15am EST.

Listen in for some key insight on what's needed to excel in today's game as Bryce and Ben will be sharing their combined 50+ years of professional hockey knowledge from playing (Bryce) and performance training (Ben) to the world of youth hockey with hosts Gord Stellick and Rob Simpson.

Bryce's Experience

  • 14-year NHL Career with New Jersey Devils & St. Louis Blues
  • 3-year tenure as the New Jersey Devils Captain
  • 3 years in the AHL (NHL Minors), and 5 years in the WHL (Canadian Jrs)
  • 12 years developing hockey players of all ages and levels of skill through his company xHockeyProducts


Ben's Experience

  • 26 years as Performance, Biomechanics, Strength & Conditioning Coach
  • Trained athletes in the NHL, PGA, NBA, NFL, MLS and the Olympics
  • Director of Performance at Athletic Edge in Scotch Plains, NJ
  • Facility ranked as “One of the Top Six Strength & Conditioning Destinations in the Country” by Rodale Press


On-Air Times

    • Friday, September 15th at 8:15am Topic: "Showing up to Training Camp after the Off-Season (NHL Perspective) & starting the season for youth and amatuer players."
      Listen to the segment via SoundCloud


  • Wednesday, September 20th at 8:15am
  • Wednesday, September 27th at 8:15am
  • Wednesday, October 4th at 8:15am

Listen in for tips from the pros!

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